Monday, January 12, 2015

Do You Still Love And Regard Your Elder Sister Or Brother?

Do You Still Love And Regard Your Elder Sister Or Brother?

Sibling Relationship

                          If I may ask some questions from my readers how and what will you answer to these questions? Will you answer them in your head or will you be brave enough to answer them confidently and loudly? Will you be true in answering them? Will your answers be, like just unlocked from the core of your heart or will you manipulate them to suit the ears? Before you respond to them I will make a quick pick from my list of questions.
Ø What is the expiry of a sibling’s relationship warmth?
Ø Do Ripened Sibling relationships corrode their own metal?
Ø Is it essential that the sentiment layer has to get eroded with the lapse of time?
Ø Why do relationships outgrow their periphery when they mature?
Ø Is the bonding and understanding only limited to childhood, when our understanding and maturity level is a child just like us, at that time?
Ø  Why do the fights get ugly and severe when we grow up, resulting in a never healing scar?
Sister's Love

I have hell many questions bombarding in my cerebrum in all directions aimlessly missing targets, making me restless more than ever and hungry for answers. When we are kids, small immature, less developed with a limited vision and understanding to the wide vast world we perform more maturely, more sensitively and lovingly than we do when we grow up, with a knowledge chest, money at our disposal, an established mind set, resources etc even then our own mentalities get galvanized with an alien destructor. As little ones we address our elder sister/brother as didi/bhaiya, believe in their instincts even though their elder ones are too kids themselves and a lot more.
Whenever we fought as kids irrespective of the fact that we fought there was a loving conciliation between the younger and the elder with no one’s intervention. At that young and delicate age we didn't need anyone to reconcile our matters. Then what goes wrong when we grow up. Does growing up gives us the right to axe our sibling relationship without even putting a single thought into it? Where do our sensibilities go? The younger ones no longer consider themselves younger ones, they acquire the right to insult, demean, and belittle their elder sibling without, for once peeping into their elder sister/brother’s hearts.

Sister's Bond
When I was a kid everybody I heard said they wanted to be kids again for different reasons. I am big now and if I am asked the same question, my answer would be yes, but absolutely NOT for the reasons I heard when I was little. Yes, I want to be a kid again because my heart cannot take what I see now as a grown-up. I cannot see my younger one insult me,


Do we learn new words to offend the elder sister/brother, acquire maturity to dismantle their existence, or develop responsiveness to impart insensitiveness to the priceless elder sister/ brother relationship? What is the truth of this hideous and repulsive upsurge of ego?
I want to know,
I want to know,
I am desperate to know.
The elder sibling may not, do things for you that are comparable to what parents do in terms of money, shelter, resources but they definitely and unarguably guard you with a safe haven that is way bigger than their own existence and capability. It is their love for their younger one that makes them do the unimaginable, protect you from any danger no matter whether they can do it or not but they will surely have the desire to DO IT FOR YOU. Your elder sister/brother is not your mom not your dad, so do not compare what your parents did or are doing for you.
Family Bonding

You are trying to compare a heart with a stomach. No one can take the place of the heart, but do not forget neither the heart can take place of the stomach. Your elder sister/ brother can never take your parents podium, they will always be standing at a step one less than your mom or dad, but at the same time you will always find them

They are the little messengers and guards that parents send for their younger ones. One cannot totally erase and scrub away the fact that your elder sister/brother didn't proffer you a lifestyle, or food or necessities but they certainly offer you the invisible.
The Invisible Love,
The Invisible Protector,
The Invisible Supporter.
Younger Sister

Elder Sister, Younger Sister Bonding

It completely depends on you as a younger sister/brother to feel what your elder one is giving you to make you happy without uttering a single word. Love is always felt never declared, so is the love of your elder sibling. And what you elder one does for you, it only calls a loving hug, a loving look and a loving smile from you. She/he neither expects nor will ever expect anything other than love and a little respect from you, for what these unknown, unseen and unrecognized parents’ little warriors do for their younger sis/bro.  For all those elder ones who share similar views like mine, do comment and let me know. I am looking forward to hear how far you people agree with me, and if yes do share your stories with me.


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